Confessions of a Florentine Pet Sitter

Bodega Bay Buildings

Bodega Buildings on the edge of Bodega Bay tidal flats. I painted this back in 1988. Recently, I found an ancient slide in my archives. Unbelievable!  Scanned it.  I wouldn’t take a magnifying glass to the image – probably covered in dirt specks from the old slide!

This is one of my favorite paintings from those days. My little sister Wendy bought it when I had a show at my step-sister Bobbie’s family gallery in Duncans Mills – a gallery started in 1988 which she still owns after all these years. Amazing that it has survived and stayed open since then, all due to Bobbi’s efforts to keep it going, arranging, hanging and hosting shows for local Sonoma County artists, throwing receptions and musical events.  She always managed to come up with new ideas each year to keep it interesting.

There is a review of that show buried in my pages on my website

1988 was the year I moved to Chico to go back to college as a reentry student. Five years later I earned my BFA in painting. When I graduated I was a different person.